
History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Vols. 1–5 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jean Henri Merle d’Aubigne’s History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century provides one of the absolute best accounts of the Reformation through d’Aubigne’s compelling, informative, and prestigious writings. This collection’s five volumes and 20 books teach you everything you need to know about the Reformation during the sixteenth century as it spread across Europe and changed beliefs...

much the more earnestness, and are not satisfied until they are prostrated before Him. And their enquiries are magnificently rewarded. For, from the heights which they must reach in order to meet with God, the history of the world, instead of exhibiting to them, as to the ignorant crowd, a confused chaos, is seen like a majestic temple, on which the invisible hand of God himself is at work, and which, from humanity, as the rock on which it is founded, is rising up to his glory. Shall we not see God
Volume 1, Page 5